How is your heart ?

Your hands are a direct expression of your heart. 

Have you noticed that what you do with your hands has such a big impact on your own energy and on how you relate to others?

Think about when you place your hands together to bow with respect; when you point a finger, or when you raise a fist in anger or celebration. Think about when your hands are gardening or painting or cooking.

What about when you reach out an open hand to someone? It is a bridge from your heart to theirs.

Can you notice the different feelings in your heart related to what your hands are doing ? 

During this time of special measures due to COVID19, we have become extra conscious of our hands, but often in a more a fearful way. We have been limited in our human contact and perhaps even deprived of touch. We are also spending a lot of time with our hands on computers and other appliances.

This impacts our hearts! 

How is your heart today? Try this short practice.

This is a nice question to ask yourself and your loved ones, instead of just "how are you?"

I invite you to check in with your own heart just now.

Start by giving your hands a good shake (if they've been on a computer) and then rub your hands together for a while, bringing awareness and energy into your hands.

Then place one hand on your lower belly or root. Take three deep breaths in your belly and sigh them out, making an "oooooo" sound from deep in your body. Notice how that feels. 

Keep one hand on your belly and place your other hand on your heart. The energetic heart is at the centre of your chest. Caress it gently and feel the touch.

Take a few deep breaths here and let them each go with an "aaaaaa" from your chest as if your heart could make this sound.

Now ask yourself the question, "How does my heart feel right now?" Listen or feel for the answer within.

Then ask the question, "What does my heart need right now?". 

Again, let the answer come. It may be something that you can act on or it may just be important that you are paying attention and feeling yourself.


Taking care of your heart

Our hearts are deeply affected by what is happening in our world. Our bodies, our minds and our egos are reacting to this in many ways, sometimes to avoid feeling our hearts, sometimes because feeling is too much.

We are sensitive beings and we do need to listen and take care of these sensitive parts. We can no longer push through or bypass. 

The first way to do this is by checking in regularly and listening, like you just did, and beginning to value and follow what your heart needs. 

A second way is through conscious loving touch. Touch is an essential human need and the greatest healing power of all. We can give it to ourselves, as above, and we do also need to share it with others. We are hardwired for this.


Conscious loving touch

Since 2 weeks now I've been offering massage, bodywork and personal mentoring again, following the deconfinement measures in Switzerland. 

Many people have been sharing how they feel the instant relief and healing power of touch.

It goes much deeper than a few sore muscles. Conscious loving touch helps you to check-in and truly feel yourself - the physical, emotional, energetic, mental and spiritual parts of you.

Your nervous system receives the message that you are safe, in this body, and you belong. This in turn releases chemicals in the brain that support your whole body to regulate and be healthy. 

We do need to be respectful at this time and take all the necessary precautionary measures of hygiene, AND we do need to take care of our hearts and our bodies so that we are better able to meet the challenges.


If you are alone in confinement, please take the time to give your body and your heart conscious loving touch every day.

If you have someone at home with you, I encourage you to share conscious touch with the objective of listening deeper and feeling safe and well in your body.

For instance, follow the process you did before alone but this time with the receiver lying on their back, the giver gently places one hand on the belly and one hand on the chest centre. Both breathe and sound together and relax. The giver can ask the questions to the receiver, who listens to the answers from their heart.

Finally, if you can make it out, I am offering massage and healing bodywork sessions. I have a special offer in May to make it easier too. Contact me for details.

Wherever you are, I invite you to be aware of how your own hands and heart are connected. Place your hands on your heart and check-in regularly.


Be well. With love,
Georgina xxx

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