Inside the Temple of Sacred Womanhood

It’s a little difficult to describe to the outside world exactly what happens when we go into the Temple of Sacred Womanhood. You see we take together a mystical journey deep into the dark creative depths of the womb.
It is by its very nature a unique journey into the unknown every single time. There is nothing we can do to prepare ourselves, and yet everything that has come before has prepared us exactly for this moment.
We experience something that is so far beyond what we could do alone, and what our limited minds could imagine and plan.
The perfect constellation of hearts appears as our medicine.
We are called to release our fearful grip of control, attachment and resistance, in the presence of such unconditional love, presence, acceptance and safety. Our fight is futile. We are met again and again with compassion.
With so much fierce love and gentleness, everything that is ready to be healed and integrated into wholeness emerges to be seen, heard and felt. Not even our shame can resist melting into this witch’s pot of transformation.
We are nurtured, soothed and caressed. We are shaken up a little, poked playfully in our rigid places, and tested in our limiting beliefs. We cry and we laugh. We moan and we roar. We dance and sing. We lose ourselves and find ourselves. We let go and let in. We forgive and surrender. We claim and we proclaim. We say ‘No’ and we say ‘Hell Yes!’
We have a mirror held up to take a good long look at the reflection… until we start to truly see with eyes, heart and mind wide open…. the beauty in everything looking back at us.
We are ignited, cracked open… blessed, touched by Grace.
And finally… finally we begin to remember who we truly are and why we are here.
So yeah! I guess it’s just a bit hard to explain and it just has to be experienced!!!


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