Peeking out from the comfort of confinement (part 1)

There is a part of me that has been deeply comforted by this obligatory confinement. ⁠⠀
A part of me longing for my attention, when all the unnecessary distractions and multitude of demands and choices in the outside world have been removed, and finally we can sit together for some deep quality inner time.⁠⠀
A wonderfully sensual part that is often not valued or cared for when I am busying myself. ⁠⠀
This part is often knocking on the door of my attention and she expresses herself through fatigue and grumpiness and frustration when she is ignored. ⁠⠀
She feels safe and comforted when all the noise and busyness quietens down. ⁠⠀
She calls for me to hear the birds and the bees, to feel the sun on my skin, the raindrops on my tongue and the wind in my hair. She enjoys the flowers and lizards and even the fairy folk. ⁠⠀
She dances with the breeze and swims naked with the fish. She makes love with the stars. ⁠She embraces the moon.⁠⠀
She feels naturally connected to all human beings and wants me to meet them and feel them and love them.⁠⠀
She breathes a deep sigh of relief as there is space to live and love, feel and be free, smile and sing, dance and daydream. ⁠⠀
She thoroughly appreciates being remembered and getting attention.⁠⠀
As she peeks out of the comfort of confinement, she wonders if it is possible to expand this sensual world to share with others 'out there', to enjoy the magic in each delicious moment. 

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