Rest Temple

A sacred space
to re-Source
and honour your being

with Georgina Peard 


Upcoming Rest Temples

What is a Rest Temple? 

A space for you to relax and rest. A moment of self-care, letting be, and gentle inner listening.

Your body is the Temple. Your offering of rest is your prayer of gratitude. 

You'll be guided to rest through breath, meditation, restorative yoga (using cushions to support the body) and yoga nidra (sleep yoga).

As you support your body and mind to let go, a deep well of peace, love, and wisdom naturally emerges. In the not-doing you are allowing health, happiness and freedom.



"A well-rested, healthy body helps the soul fulfil its purpose.... Now, it's time to lie down and begin the journey to waking up."
- Karen Brody



When we care for ourselves, we can be more present and available wholeheartedly for others.


It's time to live, love, parent and lead from a place of ease, kindness and wisdom.

* Rest is essential in part of your Natural Cycles
* Rest allows your body to find balance and restore
* Rest helps you step back and take perspective
* Rest cultivates compassion and understanding
* Rest connects you to your deep inner knowing
* Rest turns back on your inner fire
* Rest reconnects you to your Soul

This Rest Temple, is created to help you reconnect to you, to break the cycle of fatigue, and running on autopilot.

"Georgina, you have an incredible ability to read people's energy and intuitively know what will help us to help ourselves, heal or grow. You share immense gentleness and acceptance, without judgement. I love your fun and laughter, always creative, spontaneous, intuitive and inspirational. You make me feel taken care of so I can relax and focus on restoring my body and mind." Eva

Upcoming Dates

Please pick a date and register. Spaces are limited.


New Year Mini Retreat
Nyon, 6Ā January 2024

VENUE: Yoga Moves Nyon, Rue du MarchƩ 10, 1260 Nyon

TIMES:Ā 15h-17h30


Register Now




Your Guide ... 

Georgina Peard

Georgina is a skilled and heart-centred guide, with deep sensitivity and natural connection to the sacred fabric of life. She is, amongst other things, an advanced Restorative Yoga Teacher, and has been leading rest temples and retreats since 2010, including her own well-loved Rest to Rise programmes. She is a holistic massage therapist and sacred bodyworker and receives private clients in Morges.