Rest to Rise
Winter Retreat
26 - 28 January 2024
Jura Neuchâtelois, Switzerland
2-days to Simply Be.
Digital Detox.
No more inputs or processing.
Time out to simply pause and be quiet.
Unwind from the year-end busyness and festivities.
A little space to gain some perspective on life.
Tune in to what's important for you.
Silence. Meditation.
Breathing. Journaling. Restorative Yoga.
Peaceful Nature. Stunning views. Great food.
Space for the emergence of what nourishes your Soul
and uplifts your Spirit.
Return to Source.
Take a step back for a moment,
a sacred pause, let silence be your friend,
and let your Soul catch up with you.
This is an intimate small group experience, allowing you space to feel the support of community as you relax into being yourself.

We put agendas, computers and phones away, and attune to stillness.
Slow pace.
We slow down, to rest and digest, to hear the sounds of Nature.
Present Moment.
Compassion and gentleness in the now, embracing the goodness that is.
Nothing more. Nothing less. Welcoming authentic Being.
Plug back in to your Source ...
When you are fully resourced life flows with more ease and joy.
Quality time for you.
A little rest, relaxation, and restoration.
ReSourcing. Filling up your cup.
Immersed in nature.
Being together, not too much, but just enough.
Tapping into the authentic joy of being alive.
What does your body say ?
What will we do?
The Programme
Opening Circle to meet each other, create agreements for shared living space, and explore best practices for meditation and silence.
Morning sessions include meditation, guided breathwork & gentle movement, customised to the group and individual needs, and flow journaling with suggested prompts.
Brunch in silence.
Free time to walk in nature, read, meditate, sleep, or be creative.
Personal mentoring sessions with Georgina are available if desired.
Afternoon sessions include sitting meditation and walking meditation, supported by optional restorative or yin yoga postures.
Dinner in silence.
Evening sessions of restorative yoga and meditation. Perhaps some star gazing.
All by the warmth of the crackling fire!
Friday 26 January
15h30 - Arrival
16h30 - Opening Circle & Introduction
18h30 - Dinner (silence begins)
20h00 - Restorative Yoga & Meditation
Saturday 27 January
08h30 - Morning Session
Meditation, Breathing, Movement, Journaling
10h30 - Brunch & Free time
14h00 - Meditation
15h15 - Yoga Nidra
Afternoon snack
17h00 - Breathing & Meditation
18h30 - Dinner
20h00 - Restorative Yoga
Sunday 28 January
08h30 - Morning session
Meditation, Breathing, Movement, Journaling
10h30 - Brunch
12h30 - Meditation
13h30 - Coming out of silence
15h30 - Closure
* this schedule is subject to modifications.
NOTE: all sessions are optional, apart from the opening session, where we create agreements together. In all sessions it is possible to adapt to your body's needs. You do not need to be always sitting for meditation, you may choose to lie down or be in a restorative pose.
It's time to prioritise what really matters and create the conditions for your Soul's light to shine.

Listen to life
The answers are already there. You just have to ask the right questions and be available to listen.
Logistics & Registration
26 - 28 January 2024
CHECK-IN: Friday, 26 January, at 15h30-16h00
Opening Circle: Friday, 26 January, at 16h30
COMPLETION: Sunday, 28 January, at 15h30
The Venue
Our 'home' is a small intimate and cosy retreat venue on the edge of the forest, with lots of loving and magical touches, simple living, beautiful garden and stunning views. We have a purpose-built wooden Shala to gather and practice. There are 2 rooms with 2 beds, and 1 room with 4 beds. A beautiful light-filled dining area, 1 communal cosy space, 1 large shared bathroom for the group, and an indoor and outdoor toilet. Our meals are lovingly prepared by our hosts Mirjam and Sam, who welcome and care for us with such warm hearts, devotion and inspired creativity.
Retreat Prices
🌷 Retreat Facilitation: CHF 250* per person
EARLY BIRD: CHF 200 per person (by 30.11.23)
* Please ask for payment options.
🌷 Lodging, Food & Materials, per person for 2 nights full board :
- Four-bed room : CHF 335
(based on 4 sharing / 1 bedroom available) - Twin-bed room: CHF 355
(based on 2 sharing / 2 bedrooms available) - Double room option for a couple (contact me)
Maximum 8 places available.
This retreat is open for men and women, although we may have some limitations if mixed bedrooms are not an option.
What's included:
- All coordination, facilitation, guided practices, and accompaniment from Georgina in a small intimate group.
- Pre-retreat preparation document.
- A personal mentoring meeting during the weekend if desired.
- Accommodation, tastefully designed with love, high quality, eco-friendly textiles.
- A bright and magical purpose-built Shala, with wood stove.
- Equipment for Restorative Yoga & Supplies for Mandala Art.
- Delicious, vegetarian, high vibrational, conscious food during the retreat.
- The house has gardens with stunning views over the landscape and Alps, and the forest right behind us.
Not included: Transport. We'll arrange car sharing or pick up from the local train station.

Your Guide ...
Georgina Laiya Peard
Georgina is a gifted and experienced body-heart-soul whisperer and priestess of sacred space. She is a facilitator of awakening and emergence, a circle guide, a shamanic-tantric bodyworker, embodiment and intimacy guide, meditation and yoga teacher. She has been running group retreats internationally for 13 years. Driven by an imprint of embodied love, she creates experiences for men and women to feel a deepening sense of safety, connection, belonging, love and freedom in their bodies, in relationships, in community, and on the Earth. After a 15 year career in international environment and nature conservation, Georgina has been offering private sessions, retreats and group experiences to support personal and collective transformation since 2010.