Women's Circles are not Safe

authenticity connection Feb 26, 2021
Can I trust you? The world is not trustworthy until you can trust yourself, and be fully present to all of yourself. Let's be honest, a group of women sitting in Circle is not necessarily 'safe'. Women can hurt and betray women. The sisterhood wound runs deep. But playing ‘nice’ is far from safety.
Safety is created because you BRING the safety. Each woman in the Circle must commit...
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Be the Role Model you're looking for

When I want to blame others or the system or the world for not being what I want them to be, I remind myself to be the role model I’m longing for. I cannot control anyone else, so at least I can take responsibility to BE what I want myself, and even better, contribute what I can to better the situation for everyone.

Many times, I’ve been hurt and disappointed by people I considered...

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Celebrating our Sacred Blood

On today’s dark moon I celebrate MENSTRUAL BLOOD, mine and that of all women.

At this turning point of the lunar cycle, I acknowledge the gift of the Earth goddess. She who is in touch with Nature, her own WILD NATURE.

For so much of my life as a woman I didn't understand the gifts of my monthly cycle.

I felt shame. I hated the inconvenience and embarrassment of my bleed.

I bought into the...

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Afraid to go beyond your comfort zone? Donā€™t steal someone elseā€™s shoes


As I woke from a dream this morning, I felt unsettled by the clarity of the message. 

“Don’t try to wear other people’s shoes that are too big for you.” 

In my dream I felt immense disappointment realizing the shoes were too big. I had imagined them fitting like a glove, embracing my feet for the onward journey.

I felt deep shame too, trying to fit into...

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When it all feels TOO MUCH

Re-Sourcing. Womb to Womb. Heart to Heart. Face to Face. With myself. With the Earth. In order to rise again, more deeply rooted, with my aching heart, open to listen and to learn to love.

If, like me, you're feeling overwhelmed at times, it's because IT IS OVERWHELMING!

If, like me, you're feeling like it's too much at times to keep yourself open to feel everything, it's because IT IS TOO...

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Holding joy and sorrow

authenticity freedom love Jun 01, 2020

May I be joyful in a world of such devastating sorrow? Some days I feel shame for my privileges, health and happiness. But shame serves no-one. Instead, it stands in the way of allowing full grief and sorrow to be felt, as well as joy and gratitude. Shutting it all down is to deny life and to self-poison.

Today I cultivate wholeheartedness, allowing both joy and sorrow to have their full place...

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Hey, who are you today?

Hello, who are you today? What is important to you? What makes you vibe and thrive? What do you long for? What are you struggling with? How would you like to engage with me? In what way are we the same?

After many weeks and months of separation, we will meet again. And, for sure, you have changed. I have changed. We have changed. The world has changed.

Can we meet as if for the first time,...

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Building intimacy in how we meet (post-confinement)

In what way are we the same - you and me? How do I mirror you? What do you see in me, that reflects a part of you? I'm genuinely curious.

You see, you are me, cleverly disguised as you. And I am you, cleverly disguised as me.

I need you, so, to see and know myself. 

What if we constantly replaced the questions, "In what way am I different to you?" or "In what way are you different to...

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Them Emotions

authenticity freedom May 16, 2020

Arrrr! to those gnarly emotions that sneak under the radar and slowly diminish my life force, joy and vitality.

Arrr! to those clever strategies that have me bypass feeling all those moments when something hurt or scared me.

And suddenly I'm feeling flat, tired, bloated, self-doubting, uninterested, uncaring and I don't know why! Arrrrrr, I say!

I see it. My energy got stuck again by smoothing...

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The change starts with me

authenticity May 16, 2020

This long period of home confinement has helped me to see even more clearly my habits, patterns and addictions that don't serve me or anyone else. I know them well but I always find many excuses to let myself off the hook. Bleh!

So I want the world to change, eh? Well it starts right here lady!

No more excuses. I have the chance to meet these patterns in the eye, love them a little bit, forgive...

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