โ€œLet it go. Let it all goโ€ she whispers

Uncategorized Jul 09, 2018

“Let it go my love,” she whispers, “let it all go.” She caresses me with her gentle waters and soft breeze.
I feel the waves of relaxation start to move through my body.
My breath begins to reflect this gentle caress now across my inner landscape.
I feel the relaxation wash over my mind.
My body sinks deeper into her loving embrace.
Like falling back into a safety net,...

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How I learned to be vulnerable in public and let in more love

In December 2013 I sat amongst over 300 people at Christian Pankhurst’s Heart Summit in Holland. I felt a part of me wanting to run screaming out of that huge circular room filled with all these strangers learning to feel more and be present in their hearts.

There was a part of me so afraid to be seen and to feel embarrassed or not good enough or unloveable.

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Inside the Temple of Sacred Womanhood

It’s a little difficult to describe to the outside world exactly what happens when we go into the Temple of Sacred Womanhood. You see we take together a mystical journey deep into the dark creative depths of the womb.
It is by its very nature a unique journey into the unknown every single time. There is nothing we can do to prepare ourselves, and yet everything that has come before has...

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To Life & Love I Surrender

To life and love, I surrender. I open my body to the infinite love-making dance of Shiva-Shakti. This is the purpose of creating time and space for embodiment practices!!!
Breath • Movement • Sound • Touch.
Nothing feels more important than this – being in my body and experiencing life flow through me as emotion, energy, sensation, sound, vibrations…. LOVE 

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A passionate rant about love & intimacy

connection love Apr 19, 2018

So I’d like to share with you today something I am madly passionate about, so much so that I have dedicated (at least) my last 6 years completely to this. (warning: I am madly passionate about this!) 

That something is “Relationships” – how we relate to each other, which of course stems from how we relate to ourselves and Life. I call it...

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Filling up on Life after burn-out

practices sacred feminine Mar 14, 2018

Filling up on juicy life-force in Bali! My practice is to open my body to receive and be fully available for life’s abundance. It is not me who has to generate energy. My job is to let go, open up and expand the container for life to flow through me.
So many of us are concerned with our energy levels and the (predominantly western) conditions of burnout, chronic exhaustion and fatigue. So...

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The Sacred Pilgrimage of Life

I choose to experience this lifetime as a journey, as a sacred pilgrimage, as an adventure deeper into the unknown, into the wilderness, with no fixed destination in mind as this would only limit my journey to that which I already know.
I wish to experience the journey with open heart and open mind and open senses so as to be fully available to the wisdom revealing itself to me and the guidance...

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From my Rest Cave, I call for a Rest Revolution

So I’ve been in my personal rest cave for a few days and today as I emerge out of my cave I can really feel the benefits. Ah, my heart is open to receive and share with joy, compassion and love. My mind is more clear and I can discern more easily what is my truth, what is good for me and what not. What is a “no” and what is a “hell yes!”. I can see more clearly the...

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New Year Resolution Revolution: From planning to listening

Here we are in 2018! A new beginning invites curiosity, hope, inspiration, and dreaming….. and maybe some hidden anxiety ? 

I notice that if I am not careful, I fall into old patterns of over-planning and planning to do too much.

How about you?

When I stop to notice, I realise that this over-planning and setting resolutions that require more doing...

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25 ways to raise your vibrations this winter and why itโ€™s important

freedom love practices Nov 26, 2017

Do you notice that during the winter months it can be easy to let your vibrations lower? Do you feel heavier and less motivated? It’s not the case for everyone but I certainly feel that I need to be more consciously and actively finding ways to raise my vibrations every day.

It’s because it’s darker and colder, you may be inside more, less...

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