How is your heart ?

connection love practices May 10, 2020

Your hands are a direct expression of your heart. 

Have you noticed that what you do with your hands has such a big impact on your own energy and on how you relate to others?

Think about when you place your hands together to bow with respect; when you point a finger, or when you raise a fist in anger or celebration. Think about when your hands are gardening or painting or cooking.


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Peeking out from confinement (part 4)

In my last post I said there is so much to play for and so much potential. There is equally so much at risk.

What I choose now matters. How I live matters. What I think and say and do matters.

As I peek out to the uncertainty beyond, lovingly holding the parts of me that have been feeling so safe and comforted during confinement (see parts 1 and 2), it can be all too easy to fear what is...

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Peeking out from the comfort of confinement (part 3)

connection freedom May 07, 2020

As we begin to peek out from weeks of home confinement, there is a part of me that is curious, excited, and hopeful.

I'm curious to experience this new world and way of being.

I'm curious to know who you are after your inner journey and transformation.

I'm curious to know how we relate, the new you and the new me, for deepening friendship and intimacy.

I'm excited to see and explore the world...

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Peeking out from the comfort of confinement (part 2)

There is a part of me that has felt comforted by obligatory confinement, and fears coming out.

This part of me is deeply sensitive and is often not seen or heard in a world that rushes by so loudly, even aggressively. This part has often needed to create armour and masks to hide behind, to feel strong enough to go out.

This part fears being judged, rejected, betrayed, humiliated, and abandoned,...

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Peeking out from the comfort of confinement (part 1)

There is a part of me that has been deeply comforted by this obligatory confinement.

A part of me longing for my attention, when all the unnecessary distractions and multitude of demands and choices in the outside world have been removed, and finally we can sit together for some deep quality inner time.

A wonderfully sensual part that is often not valued or cared for when I am busying myself.


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She wakes me from my sleep

sacred feminine May 03, 2020

Nature's beauty and power brings me home to what is real and essential, and wakes me up from my sleepy place where I have forgotten.

Forgotten that I am alive. Forgotten to feel. Forgotten my power.

Forgotten to care for what is here. Forgotten that there is abundance.

Forgotten that life is sacred. Forgotten to be humble and offer my gratitude.

Just like the Yoni (the sacred temple - vulva of a...

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Celebrating Bealtaine - 1 May

Uncategorized May 01, 2020

Bealtaine Blessings to you all.

Today I celebrate our amazing Sun as we step fully into the light-filled half of the year, and I call for great fertility and abundance for the crops and harvests to come.

May all people have a sustainable livelihood, food and water. May prosperity be shared. May we all learn to love and to thrive together on our wonderful planet.

I also celebrate the Sacred...

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When in need

sacred feminine Apr 29, 2020

As my arms reach out for connection, 
She embraces me.

As my hands open in request, 
She offers.

As my legs shake beneath me, 
She roots me.

As my mind fears uncertainty, 
She reassures me Now.

As my ears seek the answer, 
She whispers in response.

As my nose longs to smell, 
She delivers her fragrance.

As my eyes seek to see, 
She reveals Herself.

As my heart yearns...

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Unprecedented times - home confinement

authenticity connection Mar 18, 2020

Hello friends,

I truly hope you and your loved ones are well. 

These are indeed unprecedented times of change. May we all find the place of ease and trust within, in humanity and in life.

I am noticing many reactions and responses to our situation right now, and these may even fluctuate within us from day to day, hour to hour.  

They include feeling...

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Showing up with our hearts open

Today I will participate in the Anti-5G demonstration in Geneva and happening internationally. As we experience more and more grass-root marches, demonstrations and protests, with people everywhere calling for more respect and care for life, I ask myself how to take action and show up for what feels right, hold clear boundaries and keep my heart open.

It is very easy to do...

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