Peeking out from the comfort of confinement (part 1)

There is a part of me that has been deeply comforted by this obligatory confinement.

A part of me longing for my attention, when all the unnecessary distractions and multitude of demands and choices in the outside world have been removed, and finally we can sit together for some deep quality inner time.

A wonderfully sensual part that is often not valued or cared for when I am busying myself.


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She wakes me from my sleep

sacred feminine May 03, 2020

Nature's beauty and power brings me home to what is real and essential, and wakes me up from my sleepy place where I have forgotten.

Forgotten that I am alive. Forgotten to feel. Forgotten my power.

Forgotten to care for what is here. Forgotten that there is abundance.

Forgotten that life is sacred. Forgotten to be humble and offer my gratitude.

Just like the Yoni (the sacred temple - vulva of a...

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When in need

sacred feminine Apr 29, 2020

As my arms reach out for connection, 
She embraces me.

As my hands open in request, 
She offers.

As my legs shake beneath me, 
She roots me.

As my mind fears uncertainty, 
She reassures me Now.

As my ears seek the answer, 
She whispers in response.

As my nose longs to smell, 
She delivers her fragrance.

As my eyes seek to see, 
She reveals Herself.

As my heart yearns...

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Imbolc Blessings - 1 February

sacred feminine Feb 01, 2020

Imbolc and the blessings of Brigid fall on this day, the 1 February. Its time for Spring cleaning and seeding intentions!! 

May her gentle blessings heal the lands and waters of our Earth, hearts and souls.

May her fire burn through the old ways that no longer serve, and her hearth offer welcoming light and connection in the darkness.

May her promise of Spring bring hope that we...

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Calling in a community of support of GREAT women

This is an invitation for a deeper reflection on how we function as sensitive, caring and independent women, and how I experience this personally. 

I am amazed, on a daily basis, about the kindness, generosity, and power of the women I meet. It is a privilege and an honour to know you, and even more exciting to bring you together to feel the vibrant field that we co-create; the...

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When women talk about sexuality & How my sexual healing journey began

Have you heard about the "Pussy Dialogues"? Its a space I opened, I guess a year or so ago, for women to talk consciously about our bodies, our cycles, our relationships and our sexuality, without any judgement or advice.

Within the Temple of Sacred Womanhood it's also a space for learning from each other and exploring practices that enhance our radiance, confidence and love of...

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Oh my goddess, please love your body

sacred feminine Mar 20, 2019

Your body is a Temple. You are a sacred portal of Life. You hold the wisdom of the Universe within you.

You are an absolutely magnificent expression of the Divine. You are sooooooo sooooooo sooooooo worthy of Love. Oh my goddess, why on Earth wouldn't you be?! 

Please, please honour and allow to be honoured this incredible vessel of Love, your body Temple. 

I want every woman to...

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Women celebrating women

Sister, Have you experienced what it feels like to be celebrated by other women?

Have you felt the power of being seen, felt, heard and unconditionally loved by other women, no matter how messy, broken, successful or radiant you are?

Do you have a group of women who are there to hold you, support you and uplift you through the highs and lows of life? 

I know many of you here...

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To Life & Love I Surrender

To life and love, I surrender. I open my body to the infinite love-making dance of Shiva-Shakti. This is the purpose of creating time and space for embodiment practices!!!
Breath • Movement • Sound • Touch.
Nothing feels more important than this – being in my body and experiencing life flow through me as emotion, energy, sensation, sound, vibrations…. LOVE 

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Inside the Temple of Sacred Womanhood

It’s a little difficult to describe to the outside world exactly what happens when we go into the Temple of Sacred Womanhood. You see we take together a mystical journey deep into the dark creative depths of the womb.
It is by its very nature a unique journey into the unknown every single time. There is nothing we can do to prepare ourselves, and yet everything that has come before has...

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